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Member Since 03 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2017 12:54 PM

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In Topic: No setup program in the download

24 July 2017 - 04:38 PM

Thanks.  A previous save before the mines didn't work, unfortunately, so I'll just start again.

In Topic: No setup program in the download

24 July 2017 - 03:01 PM

After I reinstalled the game and mods and started a new game everything worked fine when I met Isra.  I was hoping to allow her to use bows, however, and when I noticed she couldn't it did not occur to me that the Ashes of Embers feature of removing weapon restriction might not extend to kit restrictions.  Instead, I wondered if the reason was because I had installed AoE before Isra, so I uninstalled and reinstalled AoE.  Of course, this did not work and now Isra has no voice.  Is there any way to recover it?  I hope my bungling is at least somewhat entertaining.

In Topic: No setup program in the download

23 July 2017 - 01:04 PM

Ah, then I'll need to restart.  Thanks for your help!

In Topic: No setup program in the download

23 July 2017 - 12:33 PM

Yes.  Do I need to start a new game?

In Topic: No setup program in the download

23 July 2017 - 12:28 PM

BGEE, though I've already installed modmerge.