Member Since 30 May 2014Offline Last Active May 07 2018 05:29 AM
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In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)
21 April 2018 - 02:04 AM
Pls don't make me read all 270 pages, and pls don't say "bah, why didn't you read page 140?"
Is there any contributors to git repository?
Can I become one?
Not that I'm going to fix some reported issues, but I can apply some minor changes I found myself, or at least create some pull requests:
1. update download link/version/size of mods
2. update some mod info:
2.1 wildmage additions first component is not required for the rest, you can choose pansy/ironman. mark pansy red as it's not working now (I've created pull request for the author)
2.2 EEUITweaks rename some component names as they are updated by authors
3. update some dependencies and conflicts:
3.1 EEUITweaks.show all options is incompatible with another mod. EEUITweaks version didn't work for me so I would mark another mod as preferred.
3.2 BG1 NPC project. make components in different sections dependant. So if you deselect main component, report it missing. Now I got error during installation
4. Why spell refreshments are excluded from UI? I found this mod in config, but don't see it in UI mod selection screen. Yes I can install it manually, but why was it excluded? You could include it with grey status: install at your own risk.
5. It seems that component "allow npc goto inn" or smth (don't remember exact name) messes with bg1npc dialogues. As a result some quests are not completed. I would mark this component as grey.
6. I've encountered several errors and warnings: white queen and others. Should mark such components red. Ofc someone else could research this issue and report incompatibilities. I can try to do it myself.
In Topic: Secret of Bonehill v275 Bug Reports
16 April 2018 - 11:54 AM
when he is about to give you this quest dialogue enters state "no valid replies or topics".
Exploring BHYALTA.DLG:
message: The attacks are better planned...
Response 1/2 trigger: GlobalLT("BHGnollQuest","GLOBAL",2) which is false as we already complete this quest
Response 1/2: We would be glad...
Response 2/2 trigger: GlobalLT("BHGnollQuest","GLOBAL",2) which is false as we already complete this quest
Response 2/2: Hmm, we can look into this later...
Add state 14 response:
trigger: Global("BHGnollQuest","GLOBAL",2)
response: We've already dealt with this problem
maybe there are more state/responses that needs the above fix.
1. before talking to him set BHGNOLLQUEST=1 via console or EEKeeper.
2. talk to him, take gnoll quest
3. talk to him, get quest reward.
BTW rat quest doesn't have such issue and is completed with something like "I've already dealt with this problem" reply.
In Topic: Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)
07 April 2018 - 06:33 AM
I've met the same issue.Don't know if it's much help at this point, but I experienced the same exact issue that Ulb described. It seemed limited specifically to equippable items -- as thought the game was taking awhile to pull up the yellow overlays of who could use the item. I have a second instance of EET -- without Sandrah -- I'll be starting in a few days that I can compare to and see if the issue remains.
In another note, I don't think it's a hardware issue. I'm running Win 10 on a quad-core 2.4 processor with 6gb of RAM and a 2gb video card, with no other applications running, and with a fresh boot.
My BG2EE version is GOG
- I tried reinstall bws with minimum settings (EET, Sandra part 1 and all minimum requirements according to bws). BWS selection config attached.
Still same issue. - I tried debug mod that was attached here earlier that adds display output if any script is running.
No text output appeared during inventory edit. - I tried different versions of UI.menu. Including one that allows to disable item comparison. I tried to hide portraits (hotkey U).
Still same issue - I tried remove parts of cvsandra.bcs script (via near infinity). There is no single if-then-end construction that causes this.
The more I delete from cvsandra.bcs the faster inventory works.
I tried to remove all "THEN" code afterresponse #100
for all cases.
Delay dropped from >1s to 0.1-0.3s, but still present.
add code to cvsandra.bcs
IF HotKey(D) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayStringHead(Myself,16470) ChangeAIScript("CVSANDD",OVERRIDE) ENDadd cvsandd.bcs to override folder with single case:
IF HotKey(D) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayStringHead(Myself,16469) ChangeAIScript("CVSANDRA", OVERRIDE) END
During game:
- before you need to do something with inventory, select sandrah, press D and see confirmation in output: "Off"
- Open inventory screen and do things you want, close inventory screen
- Select Sandrah, press D again and see confirmation in output: "On"
- Spellhold Studios
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