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Member Since 20 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 30 2020 12:15 PM

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In Topic: BWPv18.2 released

15 March 2020 - 09:36 AM

Hi All:
The game where I used BP for the AI has totally crashed.  I went back to the game that uses SCS for the AI. Both games have similar problems.
1) Crash when you meet Yoshimo.  EvilMax has the solution.
2) Jaheira does not return after leaving with Meronia.
3) I cannot locate the cave near Arlax to get Drizzt's buddy (sorry I cannot remember his name).
4) I crash when I am going down the stairs after talking to Sassar in the Unseeing Eye.
Any help will be greatly appreciated,
5) I crash when I try to enter the castle in Eshpurta.

In Topic: BWPv18.2 released

09 March 2020 - 04:26 PM

Hi All:


I just lost all.  My BGConfig lost all the setups and everything is blank.  I have lots of saved games so I will see if one will work.  But the reality is lost 6 weeks of game.  Now to start again.



In Topic: BWPv18.2 released

09 March 2020 - 12:21 PM

Hi all:


I am messed up.  I wrote a solution some time ago.  Titled "Was there ever a solution for Jaheira returning after leaving with Mer" (sorry, Meronia cut cut to Mer).  I followed it and even that had no luck.  I searched with Near Infinity.  I understand very little about this program but I stumbled into somethings. These were in JAHEIRA.BCS on pages 670, 684, 687, and 1589 some lines I found.


SetGlobalTimer("JaheiraReturn","GLOBAL", SEVEN_HOURS)






I think I am not putting the JaheirReturnes globals into my game at the wrong times.  I have tried several variations without any luck. Can you tell me how the find the time values and reset them?  Also I never see the game put the JaheiraReturns Global in by itself.


The only numbers I see in Globals that might be times in my game is Jaheira = 689358 and JaheiraReturn = 52625511.  

7 hours game time = 420 min game time = 25000 sec game time. Are 689358 and 52625511 time numbers?  If yes, what are the units?  Are they real or game units.


I hope this is not confusing anyone the way I am completely confused right now.







In Topic: BWPv18.2 released

08 March 2020 - 10:04 AM

Hi EvilMax and The Imp.


I have a game saved just before Meronia show up and I am confused about the times.  I am in Arlax and wonder if Jaheira came back but is trapped some place.  I move to the farms and Meronia immediately shows up. The farms have very open spaces so Jaheira cannot hide . I get the message "Summoned to the Harper Hold" when Meronia and Jaheira leave. I tried CTRL-T and resting to advance the time, but Jaheira does not return. What should I do now?


I do not understand what EvilMax means by "CLUA-ing Jaheira returning variable to zero".  The only time I see in the CLUA list is "Advance Real Time".


I can use ShadowKeeper to change Globals.  Near Infinity tells me I have 19 Jaheiras in the game. I am trying to find which is in my group now.




I cannot get the cave at Arlax to show.  What is the code for it?  Do I need to talk to someone?  I tried talking to everyone in Arlax without any success.


Thanks for all your help,



In Topic: BWPv18.2 released

07 March 2020 - 09:57 AM

Hi All:


I am stuck with an old problem.  Meronia comes for Jahera.  They leave together and Jaheira says she will be back soon.  The problem is she never comes back. I tried everything I could thing to try.  In much older games, Jaheira came back to the same area after I slept eight hours.


I am looking for the fix for this?




Found a previous post from me which states the global 'JAHEIRARETURNS' is missing.  It has values of 0, 1, or 2.  I am having trouble knowing when to add the global.  Trying all possibilities.  Still could use some help.




After Meronia leaves with Jahera, I get JAHEIRARETURN   52625871.  Is this number the game 'time'?

