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Member Since 09 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2017 01:40 AM

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In Topic: Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

30 December 2016 - 08:39 AM

Well, I don't mean to be judgmental here. I understood already that Sandrah comes with her own inner balance. My worries were more about some features that I couldn't tell if they were intentional or resulted from a bug in my installation. The 11 base THAC0 at fighter level 3 seemed especially suspicious.

But from the way you react, it seems it's perfectly intentional. So, as long as it's intentional, I'm fine with it :)

In Topic: Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

30 December 2016 - 07:02 AM


In regards of my other points (Gift of Mystra being +3 and base THAC0 of 11 for Sandrah at level 3/3), are they intended as well? The later one is especially baffling to me.

In Topic: Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

30 December 2016 - 05:45 AM



Few days ago, I was reporting some features that i couldn't tell if they were intentional or bugs.

I investigated a bit more and made some screenshots.

  • Gift of Mystra being a +3 Weapon (cf. Baldr000.jpg)(might be because CHARNAME class is fighter, though)
  • Sandrah at level 3/3 has a Base THAC0 of 11! (cf. Baldr001.jpg)
  • Also, the equipment duplication problem i mentionned after Sandrad died, was revived and went to the spot of her death to recover her equipment (cf. Baldr001.jpg

Thanks for insights :)

In Topic: [MOD] Sandrah Saga For EET

20 December 2016 - 06:24 AM

Refinement will be done when more feedback becomes available and more of the big mods (including IWD) become part of EET.

Ok. I'll feel free to give you my own feedback in time then.



But it will never be intended to make this a mod to play when you first enter the Baldur's Gate world, it will always be for those who want something different the x-time to play the game.

Yes, I got this very well. I'm newbie for EET and mega install, but i'm not newbie for the Baldur's Gate serie ;)

In Topic: Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

20 December 2016 - 06:20 AM

It is, but it is not +3 but +1. the animation makes it look more than it is - what it does for your PC depends on class and kit.


Hmmm... I'll have to double check tonight when i'll be home, but I think on the character sheet, in the section dedicated to combat, it was written that the weapon contributed for +3 to Thac0 and damages... Since powers are related to class and kit, maybe I should mention that my test character was a fighter without a kit. I'll let you know after double checking tonight.



Her equipment can only exist once. In the round based computation of the game, there is a small delay where it appears that things exist twice - that is corrected after a few seconds.


In my case, it stayed more than a few seconds. I effectively had 2 sets of her equipment.

I'll try to reproduce the glitch tonight.


For the rest of your answers: fine by me :)


Also, thank you for the large work on this mod and the fast reply.