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Solarius Scorch

Member Since 05 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2014 01:02 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BWPv14

30 March 2014 - 12:32 PM

Just for the record:

The changed registry-key is underneath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage, key ACP and the value to work with infinity Anímation is 1252.
If you know that it works now, I guess writing down the current value wouldn't hurt.

Yup, could be useful. Thanks!
As far as I understood, you could set that value back to the old value after the mod has been installed, correct? Then saving and resetting it after installed wouldn't be a bad idea, would it?

I didn't know the game would work properly then; so you're saying it's only needed for the installation itself? Good to know!

In Topic: BWPv14

30 March 2014 - 11:24 AM

Did you restart the computer at the request ? Cause it won't change the settings if you won't !

Yes, many times :) And I do have admin rights.

Guys, I'll give it to you: BWP has presented me with some challenges I've never seen before, despite my many years of modding and using mods... :]

EDIT: Suddenly, it works. I am at a loss... Well, nevermind. :D

In Topic: BWPv14

30 March 2014 - 11:15 AM

Go to Region and Language settings in Control Panel, the forth tab there is called "Administrative", under it there is the "Current language setting for non-Unicode programs:" Change it back to whatever with the Change system locale... button. You need the admins rights and ... and you probably need to restart the computer for it to apply.
You have to change the language for non-unicode applications.

Yeah, thanks, but that's what I did at the very start. Didn't help.

In Topic: BWPv14

30 March 2014 - 10:00 AM

Another help request from poor little me. I've decided to uninstall the game from my system (I have it on my other machine), but many applications have a problem with my national characters now - not displaying them properly or not opening them at all. I know my ANSI coding was modified by the BWP - it warned me on installation - but how do I turn it back? Changing administration options (region, language) does nothing...
I'm using Windows 7.

In Topic: BWPv14

11 March 2014 - 01:36 PM

Perhaps because it's the first time I've heard about it? :)

Well, in that case you have not read MY :P FAQs for the Megamods. Or bothered to read the forums pinned topics... as it's one of them. :devil: Nähh... I never expect people to... which is why I hang here and point people to it. Now, if only I could just make that sound ironic.

Oh I do understand your plight. :D To my defense, I read a ton of stuff on this, much more than I was expecting to. In this case, I didn't walk idly around forums... ;)
Yes, the topic doesn't have the direct link to it as it's old and locked topic and I lost the profile (it's a story of it's own), but anyways, the nice thing about the BWS is that you can actually make your own mod component selections, and you are more likely to succeed with it than with BWP... at least to get what you wish, as the customization opens with the "..." button right next to the Compilation selector. Keep that in mind as you run to a mod that you won't like... so much that you wish to reinstall everything.

So THAT'S what those fancy pics were of! I thought it was some discontinued GUI for the BWP installer... :doh: Anyway, I'll try continuing with the present installation, since I don't feel like going through all this again. :)