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Member Since 07 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2014 11:36 AM

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In Topic: Why does BWP PDF say not to install Avatar Fixes?

08 February 2014 - 07:58 AM

So I'm supposed to install the Palette Extender in the first step (because I don't have an option not to), then reinstall it again where it says to after the Item Revision to overwrite it... or...?

Nope. Actually you won't be installing the Palate Extended in the first part(iow page 25), the PDF makes that clear (but you do so in the second part ... page 200).


There's the problem I was mentioning. I'm not supposed to install it in the first part, but when that component came up, I didn't get an option to not install -- just between compatibility install and full install. I'm hoping I either missed something in my last attempt (accidentally chose a prior option I shouldn't have without realizing it or something) or the fixpack or trimpack fixes this issue. If not, we're looking at an issue that needs to be addressed to improve (Mega) Mod compatibility.

In Topic: Why does BWP PDF say not to install Avatar Fixes?

07 February 2014 - 06:09 PM

So I'm supposed to install the Palette Extender in the first step (because I don't have an option not to), then reinstall it again where it says to after the Item Revision to overwrite it... or...? Hrm. Grabbing the fixpack and trimpack -- they're nominally for the BWP mega-mod installation, but they're apparently designed to detect which mods are present and adjust things for lesser mod installs. But now I'm drifting off-topic again.

In Topic: Why does BWP PDF say not to install Avatar Fixes?

07 February 2014 - 05:06 PM

Because I'm new, and stressed and confused by things in my life, and didn't know which forum to go to, so went to the first devoted forum for something that seemed directly related -- there wasn't a BWP-specific section of the mega mod forum, but there was a 1PP specific forum. Thank you for both the help and pointer to a more appropriate forum.

Sorry for missing the part where it said that mod was installed in two steps -- I noticed that for some others, but missed it here.


it wouldn't let me not install the palette extender, though, which I'm a tad concerned about since it said not to install that until the second step. And that actually is relevant here, since if it can cause conflicts if installed out of order, it should have an option to not install it, and it seemed to lack one.