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Member Since 06 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2013 03:35 AM

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In Topic: Proposed mod in Dices to Percent and more

07 December 2013 - 01:55 AM

Thanks Mike1072. 2nd rules are convenient for table-pen D&D - so player understands what dice to take and how to roll and add values.

Despite mathematics presentation is confusing for computer-based D&D, I admit they add some intriguing puzzle to gameplay.

In Topic: Proposed mod in Dices to Percent and more

06 December 2013 - 11:58 AM

The AC has a minimum of -20, so trying to get the rules changed will be ruined by this fact alone.


My heresy :twisted: doesn't stretch as far as changing game rules - only presentation of values in other scale, i.e. after engine calculates value (e.g. THAC0 of a character), before it is shown in the interface, additional line converts it by formula "-(AC) + 10", so the highest possible AC looks on screen like 30, the lowest AC looks like 0 (I set AC 10 in my scale as 0 - representing unarmored character; by some effects it may be negative: if AC is 20 it looks -10). This way each AC unit (may be renamed DFS) gives +5% chance to evade hit, and the more DFS player has, the better. Lether armor gives DFS 2, studded 3 etc.


My proposition is purely cosmetic :lol2:, to present game mathematics conveniently for computer user - hiding dice calculation from user view. Per cent are much easier for understanding of chance/attribute. Player needs to understand dice calculation only if he's going to roll dice by hand on the table.