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Member Since 19 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2014 10:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Giant spider entangle bug

18 December 2013 - 07:58 AM

Hey guys,

My game is running just about perfectly now using big world setup 'tactics installation'. I'm just faced with this annoying graphics bug now which looks like this whenever a giant spider uses their entangle attack.



This seems similar to the 'mind shield bug' that The Imp helped out with, but I'm not sure how to find the file that's causing this problem, or what I would do with the file once found


Mind shield effect

06 December 2013 - 02:08 PM

So I finally have a tactics installation that works! (almost)  I just have two more problems. Every npc or creature in my game with charm immune, or mindshield has this visual effect



There's also a small annoying bug where the shadow door maze effect from spell revisions is permanent. :\


Here's my weidu log


Halberd attack range bug

21 November 2013 - 02:47 AM

Well I finally have a working tactics installation! (almost) !!!!!!!


I'm running into this problem however. All the halberds in the game have an attack range of... let's say a crossbow   :\    so gnolls are attacking me from halfway across the screen. Is this fixable without     re installing?  If not.. which mod or component would likely be causing this?


There's also another slight glitch in my game. Whenever there's a cut-scene or a random encounter (monster spawn)  There is this odd looking spell effect. kind of a white helix... It's not game breaking, and i can probably live with it, but I'd rather get rid of that too if possible.


Here is a list of my installed mods


Missing spells

19 November 2013 - 12:28 AM

I've just completed a tactics install using the latest big world setup.

I've read the guide through and through, and have disabled UAC etc...


The installation seems to be just about perfect! (I tested it before playing), but I'm now noticing missing priest/druid spells on the main pc, and also npcs.

This is the second install, and the second time I've come across this problem.

I'll post the weidu.log for both installs.



