i try hiiden kits on baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition. Try Eldritch Phantom. On 13 level thief i recive 1 Obfuscation(thief13/mage12). And i have else 1 level up. I have hitting level 13, and gain else 2 levels(thief15/mage12).And i have else 1 level up.I have hitting level 15 and gain 1 level (thief16/mage12). I have 1 512 500 thief/ 750 000. And exp is freeze. If i sleep i see string -5000 exp, but my exp the same 1 512 500, if i kill sameone my exp the same.
After 13 level i have 60 hit points, after 15 level a hve 40 hit points, after 16 level i have 14 hit points.
If i open the chest, it automaticali closed after 1 second, if i hit the enemy i must click else. On thief12/mage12 its work normal.
And i have other question
IS it real to use "the ability to Increase your INACTIVE Class by one level every time you level up" for usual dual class without hidden kits?