See, for the Small Teeth Pass, I am wondering if I can cast time stop with my sorcerer the second I enter. That way I get half or more or my buffs up including fire, imp haste, etc. If I can't... I just move to area fully prebuffed with my level 20 crew and go to town. Perhaps do WK first. Of course, that assumes that the fireball is actually made out of fire as oppose to just straight magic which would annihilate any party that dared walk up to it. See.... I am curious about what the creator had in mind when they allowed a dragon to blast you, from far off screen no less, the second you enter and every few seconds after that. This might also be one area which I remove eventually but I really don't understand how anyone could actually beat that. It sounds impossible, just on the face. Being blasted repeatedly, non-stop, every few seconds, for 200+ AOE damage from a critter off screen isn't fun and I mean that it really isn't fun. It isn't a challenge you can overcome, you just die. This is what I am trying to avoid. They might as well just steal all of my stuff and lock me a room filled with liches or greater mummies.
I will say though. The SCS+Tactics+SR+IR+More weapons for cromwell has really changed the game for me. Characters become far more important. Classes become much more interesting. Mutli-class is filled with almost unlimited possibilities. Chapter two is really a rush to get gold to get back Imoen and a ton of stuff has to wait until ch6. If your sorcerers are not level 16 by the time you get to drow city, good luck going against that lich. I love it because it reawakened a very good game and casts everything in a new light or refreshens it. I want to continue to bask in this glow and not be slammed by chease.