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Member Since 18 Aug 2013
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A question about globals

16 November 2013 - 12:10 PM

While I was reading through Darian's content on NearInfinity, I noticed that choosing a certain option during the talk when he admits you're his friend would set his romance for "Global 5". I know that "Global 3" ends the romance and that "Global 4" moves it on to the next stage, but what does "Global 5" do?

Any chance for an update?

27 October 2013 - 02:28 PM

Pretty much what the title says. I don't know how busy Aeryn's been, but there was some stuff discussed in other topics I'd like to see, conversation options expanded, that sort of thing. Or having other NPCs comment on the romance--Mazzy in particular seems like she wouldn't let that go by without speaking her mind. Or cross-content with NPC mods.


So could Aeryn, or anyone who knows what she's currently up to, tell me whether any of this could happen in the near future?