Well, I don't really expect anything to be honest. Many people do not care if 3 people would be romancing Imoen at the same time (I think many prefers it even), but I would personally prefer to keep the game somewhat immersive, hence why I asked how the game would play this situation out. If all romances would go at the same time I would probably not install Kelsey and Gavin to begin with since I'd have to ignore them in game anyway
I understand the mods are technically compatible, but it was more a question of how it's handled immersion-wise within a megamod install. Perhaps the mod authors intentionally allows the romances to go at the same time, it's their decisions.
And I do not use Chloe - I'm using Kelsey and Gavin
I figured megamodding people would know best how this worked out in game, especially since both Kelsey and Gavin usually comes as "recommended" here.