Hm. I'm not sure what the cause may have been, but uninstalling them both and then re-installing them fixed it. =) Thanks for providing the mod to the community, and cheers
I am running from the most recent version of Baldur's Gate Trilogy, though not Enhanced Edition. I attempted to fix the audio through the game/dialogue initiating option, and had no successes. There was a slight pause as (I believe) something was reset or switched, but no luck in hearing voicing or her music.
After examining the override file I could not find any .wav files connected to Isra, though I was able to find other Isra files. I was also unable to find any .wav files in my download. Perhaps if I just uninstall both and then reinstall them.
I'm not certain if this is a bug or not, I have BGTrilogy, along with both the BG and BG2 versions of Isra installed. The website says she is now voiced, but nothing comes up in dialogue or when I click commands. Perhaps I need to uninstall the BG2 version until I get to that section of the game?
Anyway, looking forward to getting to know Isra