Braldt Ironeye
Member Since 30 Apr 2013Offline Last Active May 18 2013 09:14 PM
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In Topic: [BG 1 Easy TUTU / BG 2] Help importing final save
01 May 2013 - 03:49 PM
In Topic: [BG 1 Easy TUTU / BG 2] Help importing final save
01 May 2013 - 12:52 PM
In Topic: [BG 1 Easy TUTU / BG 2] Help importing final save
01 May 2013 - 08:17 AM
My question though now is, how can I tweak my game experience like I did with Balder's gate 1?
Example: Being able to scribe spells to my spell-book, larger quiver stacks, potion stacks, and the like, and perhaps the ability to rest anywhere (within reason).
After tweaking my experience in BG1 with TUTU, I don't want to end up like I did before and having some glitches.
Can you recommend anything that will help The Imp?
Thanks in advance.
In Topic: [BG 1 Easy TUTU / BG 2] Help importing final save
30 April 2013 - 10:18 PM
Hrm, I'm not sure what your referring to with regards to BGT-Weidu. I've heard Shadowkeeper is a save editor, which is fine if necessary.
Overall, let me recap your message so I'm clear on this.
If I used BGT-Weidu, I could import the save from BG1 to BG2, yes? Since i didn't, I need to import only the character file, correct?
As for the customization of the characters, I'm not TOO concerned with that, if what your talking about is making, say Jahiera a non specialized caster. I didn't change any of that, so I'm not too concerned with that.
What I am concerned with is being able to keep the equipment and supplies I acquired over time, including the bag of holding I found, and the supplies I keep in it.
If I load down my character with everyone's equipment just after Sarevok's death, and export the character, will the exported character load in correctly in BG2, and will the bag of holding work, allowing me access to its contents?
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