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Member Since 18 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active May 28 2013 02:52 PM

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In Topic: NEJ Questions and Bugs (Spoilers)

07 May 2013 - 12:18 PM

Yeah found the variables for that dialogue, this seems to be a hickup from imoen romance mod , she initiates a dialogue with you and triggers the first viable statetrigger which was the halrua portal thing rather than the imoen dialogue. The NEJ mod never changed those variables to a safe state and since imoen only initiates the dialogue once nothing happens after. Changing those two triggering variables made the dream sequence continue as normal.

That portal activation thingie is from the gallery in halruaa order to get out of there the variables need to be as is when your in halruaa but should be changed when you leave.


You get quite profficient at going through all these tons of data from correcting bugs;)  thanks for your help

In Topic: NEJ Questions and Bugs (Spoilers)

07 May 2013 - 11:22 AM

i ran in too something weird again.... after completing halruaa and booting hrothgar to kingdom come, NEJ might be the most annoying mod ever ... anyway i went to sleep and ended up in dream candlekeep

"The portal has been activated" and you can either leave or go through it . if you leave nothing happens and im stuck in the dreamworld if i go through i end up back in halruaa academy which is empty since i killed everyone ... anyways ive been trying to dig into this forawhile but i am stuck. do you know anything of this?

In Topic: NEJ Questions and Bugs (Spoilers)

05 May 2013 - 06:27 AM

aaa i see, thats bothersome, well i just used the console instead, but its good to know why the changes didt update in my save thanks

In Topic: NEJ Questions and Bugs (Spoilers)

05 May 2013 - 04:44 AM

This is weird, i added the entrace to AR9799 so that the portal back should work but the game still does not recognize the new entrance point and it crashes saying there is no Exit0070, even though the updated file is in the override folder.

It looks like it still brings in the old area file from the bif into the temp folder instead of using the one in the override folder....

In Topic: NEJ Questions and Bugs (Spoilers)

03 May 2013 - 11:46 PM

i have NEJ 6.8 installed aswell, generally there are lots of bugs with part two... the only mage test i was able to finish without cheating was the evocation one, especially if you like me have a tendency to pickpocket all named chars :clap:. All in all rather badly handled, i mean starting a cutscene everytime an npc does something ...

Btw do you know when you have to compile files you change in? sofar i have been able to just change itm and creature files by just overwriting but when i made to large changes in dialogue files or script files the game starts crashing. the error with the dlg files has to do with errors in dialogue.tlk right?