I think this is where your problem is too, did you import an erf file from NWNXLeto? If you did you might have to start over as I don't know what else might have been over written. The inc_letto script should start like this:
#include "inc_debug"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
const string NWN_DIR = "C:/nws1/";
const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWN";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";
//Script Types
//taken from the build03.18 release notes
If the NWNXLeto is not working and you start a new charector the PRC Character Creator wont start and then new charectors cant leave the entrance
Good Luck
What he said.
mod_dir should not need C:/ E:/ ABCDEFG:/ or any such, just 'modules/(modname)