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Member Since 27 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2005 07:54 PM

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In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

07 June 2005 - 11:35 PM

I think this is where your problem is too, did you import an erf file from NWNXLeto? If you did you might have to start over as I don't know what else might have been over written. The inc_letto script should start like this:

#include "inc_debug"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
const string NWN_DIR = "C:/nws1/"; 
const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWN";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";

//Script Types
//taken from the build03.18 release notes

If the NWNXLeto is not working and you start a new charector the PRC Character Creator wont start and then new charectors cant leave the entrance :(

Good Luck

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What he said.

mod_dir should not need C:/ E:/ ABCDEFG:/ or any such, just 'modules/(modname)

In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

06 June 2005 - 06:51 PM

ROFL amazing how you could look at something like that and never really see it :P

Sorry I didnt catch that before blood! LOL

Funny thing Is I laughed about this then turned around and did the same thing on a module update.

Yeah, im not smart.

In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

06 June 2005 - 02:19 PM

ROFL amazing how you could look at something like that and never really see it :P

Sorry I didnt catch that before blood! LOL

ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5

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Take the quotes off of the module name, like this:

ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5

And hopefully, it should make a profound difference. ;)

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In Topic: Needed from current nordock players.

06 June 2005 - 02:13 PM

Havent seen that yet. The merchants that is, i guess its one of those features id not have found until I actually got in and played more rather then tinkering in the toolset ;)

As for housing, I enjoy the way the housing is sort of, but the housing system im working on implementing will help with some nasty and glaring bugs and bring it a bit more up to date :) Ill show you when Im done if you like =)

Alright, im in the proscess of doing lots of large additions and revamps to the mod that dont really effect it over all but make it just a slight bit 'better'. One of my first questions is I noticed that there seem to be lots of 'housing' resources 'missing' in the mod. Is this purposeful, or is there a method to the mayhem? Where can I find all of the various real estate brokers in the game, and where do I find all of the furniture stores?

Im going to be doing some haughty additions soon including a new housing system and player merchants, I need to know these things...

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In the towns that have banks, you'll usually find the bankers/brokers/furniture merc's in there.  Or, if they have some sort of "housing authority", seperate from the banks.

Most major towns have a CPV player merchant for hire (from the CMDv47 companion to CNR, modified a bit). They tend to have slightly more colorful names, like Big Al and Sammy de Shamme. The dialog itself is a little screwy, but it works. Recent coding should have made it so that they will follow you between areas, so you can really set up shop where you like to.

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Moderator: Locked due to spam

In Topic: Frustrated noob seeks advice.

06 June 2005 - 09:13 AM

Ive been having some issues too, how about you contact me and I show you what i did to fix them? :)

here is what i did.

at prompt

mysql -u root -p
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'nwnuser'@'localhost'
SET PASSWORD FOR 'nwnuser'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('nwnuser');

then in control centre i selected a new file as follows:-

Name = nwn
        Host Name = localhost
        User Name = nwnuser
        Password = nwnuser
        port 3306

it tested ok i added it, created a new db called nwn from the tree, selected query and added this

USE nwn;
player varchar(64) default '',
tag varchar(64) default '',
name varchar(64) default '',
val text,
expire int(11) default '0',
last timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
KEY idx (player,tag,name)

then executed it, this all came back fine

then i imorted a sql db file and executed that fine too.

; NWNX2 configuration file
; These are the default values for NWNX2. Values specified on the command
; line take precedence.

ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5

; Log file
MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 1 ; 0=nothing, 1=only errors, 2=everything

; Use these two settings for the SQLite internal database
;source = sqlite
;file = sqlite.db

; Use these two settings for ODBC connections
;source = odbc
;dsn = nwn

; Use these five settings for MySQL connections
source = mysql
server = localhost
user = nwnuser
pwd = nwnuser
db = nwn

; Set hookscorco to false if you want to disable hooking of
; StoreCampaignObject and RetrieveCampaignObject entirely
hookscorco = true

MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 1 ; 1=overall statistics, 2=full script callstack

the database says its connected and running ok from the control centre.

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