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Member Since 28 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2014 03:22 PM

Topics I've Started

A small grammar issue. For the epilogue, which means minor spoilers.

04 April 2013 - 04:00 PM

I don't know where to put this, so I'll just start a new thread.


In version 3.2, at least, in the epilogue for <CHARNAME>'s ascension, before going on about the alliance between lolth and Shar, it says "several years past." That should be "several years passed." Also, although this really doesn't matter all that much, "Goddess of Loss" technically isn't one of Shar's epithets. It's the "Lady of Loss," but that's just me nitpicking.


Of course, thanks for the great mod.

Rolles v3a

31 March 2013 - 04:48 PM

This is a semi-update of the Rolles item upgrade mod by Serdrick. This release does not contain any new content- no new translations or things like that. However, it does have a proofread English version. To put it politely, the original English translation of the Rolles mod was lacking, and to put it bluntly, it was difficult to read at times. This was a major turnoff to me, and because of it, I rarely used a mod that is actually quite decent. Eventually, I got around to editing the tra files for both Rolles' dialogue and for the item descriptions. As for the items themselves, I changed absolutely nothing.


All credit for this mod goes to Serdrick and his original translator, I only supplied the edits.



Important: Rolles has been updated to v5.0.0 :lol2:

Big Picture Enemy Combat Comments

28 November 2012 - 06:29 PM

So, I just got back into Baldur's Gate a few months ago and, taking a friend's advice, downloaded a number of mods, including Big Picture. All of them were amazing, and I really liked the way that Big Picture made all of the battles harder- breezing through everything like it wasn't even there was getting tiring. However, the only problem I had with it was the comments that enemies made in combat. Things like "Die with your boots on;" "there they are!" (or something along those lines), and the response of "where? I don't see them;" or, when you kill an enemy, another one might say, "you bast*rd, you killed my friend" would appear in subtitles over the enemies' heads. While it was bearable when it was coming from goblins and bandits, it got a lot harder to take when it started coming out of golems.

I am wondering if there is any way to get rid of this (by, say, deleting a file, for instance), or if there is a version where this is not included. Anyway, thanks.