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Member Since 23 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2006 01:54 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Vampire Kit

28 July 2005 - 06:15 AM

I recently ran across an old set of spells meant to create a vampire kit, which must be inserted with a spell editor and added to a PC with a savegame editor. When one spell is used the person becomes a "vampire". Their stats change accordingly and all the other spell like abilites (polymorphing, chamr, gas from, ect) are added to them. Also, certain immunities are given. Unfortunately the abilites are rather glitchy and only a few can be used without crashing the game, let alone used to their proper effect. Only wraith form and vampire charm, as well as the ability to sire other vampires work. Still, it is rather interesting. I just wondered if the driving forces (thorium) on this mod were aware of this old kit and if any of it is going to be built off of for Valen's powers. It seems it could save a lot of time.

edit: I think that perhaps the spells themselves aren't glitchy but my be conflicting with a mod I have installed, or have been partially overwritten when I reinstalled a mod or patch. If anyone else wants to try email me and I'll attach them zipped to the reply.


In Topic: TeamBG Spellmaker

13 June 2005 - 06:08 AM

They are in tbg, and DLTCEP says it does not support them. I don't know why, it just doesn't work.  I keep getting an error that the editor can't load MORALEAI.ids.  I have no idea what that even does or where it is.

In Topic: Overall Progress: Questions & Feedback

05 June 2005 - 05:07 PM

I really hate posting questions like this, but does it seem likely that a full release will be available by mid july? I am going abroad and hope to be able to play through Valen once or twice before I leave early august.

In Topic: Valen's Class

04 June 2005 - 08:23 AM

It was actually some of the more fun dialog to write.

Sorcerer was?

In Topic: Q & A for the Valen Expansion

03 June 2005 - 08:22 PM

Will Valen be normally compatible with Shadow Keeper?

Will any good aligned npcs be allowed in the party when she is present?

Will Valen ever attack helpless people when you can't do anything to stop her?

Will she be healed by cause wounds spells like a true D&D undead, and harmed by Heal spells?