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In Topic: BGT 1.15 installing problem
04 September 2012 - 08:08 AM
No error so far, but it is still installing... update: its ready and it works : )
I guess, i messed things up when i tried to install mods before i installed BGT, those TB#*.bif files were at least not in the data folder present. *shrug*
Sorry for inconvenience and thanks for your help.
In Topic: BGT 1.15 installing problem
04 September 2012 - 05:40 AM
You didn't move all the TB#*.BIF files out of your BG1 data directory.
e.g. c:\\Spiele\\Icewind Dale\\Baldur's Gate/DATA/TB#221.BIF
Move all such files out of your BG1 data directory that start with TB#.
After that, re-run setup-bgt.exe. The apostrophe shouldn't have any effect.
That is strange. I moved all TB#*.bif files out of the folder - the last file was spells.bif - so I dont know, why the debug told you something different.However, here's the debug again. I just moved the tb-files back in the data folder and again out of it. *shrug* don't know, if this changed somethingedit:
I tried that, but it didn't work either.Ok, i suppose i made a mistake. I have overwritten the dialog.tlk and the dialogF.tlk in the BG2 directory... The installation took now considerably more time but still failed.This little guide for installing the D&D Anthology mentions that you might need to rename your Baldur's Gate folder to Baldurs Gate. Could you try that?
In Topic: BGT 1.15 installing problem
03 September 2012 - 04:18 AM
Can you try moving all the TB#*.BIF files out of your data directory temporarily, and re-installing BGT? These look supernumerary.
Did you mean by re-installing running the setup-bgt.exe? That didn't work either. I'm starting to fear that my version of BG wont work with BGT, but thanks for the effort nontheless. : )
In Topic: BGT 1.15 installing problem
02 September 2012 - 08:50 AM
Ok, I did that. Besides, the anthology has a complete new installation program, i can't choose the size of the installation for example. So it should be the complete installation but i'm not 100% sure.Yes please do this.
Looks to me there is a bunch of TB#*.BIF files in the data directory, suggesting to me this isn't a standard Baldur's Gate I installation.
Happened by accident. I thought, I name the game folder, instead I named the anthology folder. Icewind Dale can be found in Icewind Dale\Icewind Dale ; )Is there some specific reason why the game is installed on that folder ? As in, why not simply to: C:\Spiele\Baldur's Gate II\ ??
And say that the Icewind Dale game isn't installed on the C:\Spiele\Icewind Dale\ -folder...
In Topic: BGT 1.15 installing problem
01 September 2012 - 09:25 AM
I have BG from the "D&D Anthology", which includes BGI+II+all expansions and the latest patches. The complete installation is at the HD and my system runs with XP.
Sadly, BGT won't install. So i'm looking here for help. ; )
If i any information is missing, let me know.
Martinedit: It's the german version, if that is a matter
- Spellhold Studios
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