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Member Since 13 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2012 03:14 PM

Topics I've Started

My Planescape:Torment creates an Ambient sound high pitch headache

14 August 2012 - 10:34 AM

Here is the link to someone who had posted the same problem:


I've searched everywhere online and no fix. I have Windows 7 and I messed with the audio/sound hardware and nothing. Does anyone know how to fix this nuisance without turning off ambient sound? I love the game and just got into it :) and modded it completely. Everything works great, except the ambient sound issue.


My Planescape:Torment creates an Ambient sound high pitch headache

13 August 2012 - 12:04 PM

Here is the link to someone who had posted the same problem:


I've searched everywhere online and no fix. I have Windows 7 and I messed with the audio/sound hardware and nothing. Does anyone know how to fix this nuisance without turning off ambient sound? I love the game and just got into it :) and modded it completely. Everything works great, except the ambient sound issue.
