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Member Since 06 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 08 2012 04:22 PM

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In Topic: Problem Installing BGT-WeiDU 1.15 [Updated]

07 August 2012 - 10:00 PM

I am the only administrator of my computer. Furthermore, I've disabled any window's registry/file scanning. Henceforth, I never need to do "Run as Administrator", so it can't be the case.

In Topic: Problem Installing BGT-WeiDU 1.15 [Updated]

07 August 2012 - 03:05 PM

The aim is for BGT to install into whatever folder you want it to be in. I have tested installs on my own system where I have specified a folder like "C:\!@#$%^&()_+-=ABC 123\" and it installs properly.
I would like to find out exactly the problem is here. I am not sure whether there is something within Win7 64-bit that is the issue here. With the standard BG2 install on your OS, do all the files install to the same directory?

Yes they do. I have made sure that not a single files were missing after installing them in the default directory (Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\). On three different uninstall/install attempt, there was always an error when implementing the Experience Patch.
Please note that running the setup another time (after the first failure) resulted in the following error instead of the one mentioned in the original post:
ERROR: cannot convert warn or %warn% to an integer

Then, the error stayed the same until I do a fresh install. (Tried by deleting all the setup file without success).

Note that I also made sure to do a full custom install for BG1 as well as a full install for BG2 before each attempt.

In Topic: Problem Installing BGT-WeiDU 1.15 [Updated]

06 August 2012 - 10:19 PM

Looks like everything is installing itself properly after I've uninstalled and re-installed Baldur's Gate 2 outside the Program Files.

Note: Maybe it would be necessary to edit the Read-Me to include that? Or make a post about it in troubleshot or somethign like it ;)

Setup is still ongoing, I'll replay to this topic is something happens before the end of the installation.

In Topic: Problem Installing BGT-WeiDU 1.15 [Updated]

06 August 2012 - 09:49 PM

Be sure to install both BG1 and BG2 outside the Program Files directories (I use C:\Games). Older games have problems working correctly in that folder.

I've recently tried with my Baldur's Gate in C:\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate. However, I had noticed that I had mistakenly re-instal my BG2 is still in the Program Files folder. What I did was to copy and paste all the files from my Baldur's Gate 2 folder in my Program Files to add it in the C:\Black Isle. Do you believe it could have created a conflict?

PS: I'll take a try at uninstalling it and installing it out of the Program files.



In Topic: Problem Installing BGT-WeiDU 1.15 [Updated]

06 August 2012 - 09:40 PM

Tried after a fresh restart and a fresh installation. I have no image mounted in virtual drives and my Anti-Virus is already disabled. Also tried to run setup-bgt.exe "As Administrator".

PS: Is it normal that my BGMain.exe and BGMain2.exe file in my Baldur's Gate folder have an old windows Icon and that I cannot run them?
When double clicking the GBMain.exe file, I receive the following message:

An Asswertion failed in D:\Dec\chitin\ChDimm.cpp at line number 581
Programmer says: Unable to Open BIF:data\SFXSound.bif

Is that a normal behaviour for this file? If not, if there somewhere I can get both BGmain files from someone?

PPS: Thanks in advance :)
