Member Since 28 Jun 2012Offline Last Active Oct 23 2012 09:57 PM
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In Topic: Syvishtar's Journal
17 October 2012 - 02:22 PM
Goddammit, STOP. LUGGING. ALL. THIS. GOLD. AROUND. You've quite a sum on you already, there must be something nice you can buy before you go exposing yourself AND your sacks to the whims of the weave.
In Topic: Syvishtar's Journal
13 October 2012 - 01:47 PM
Wow, that's a lot of potential cash. Have you tried to outfit all availaible characters and see if there's anything left that we can safely sell, knowing it won't be needed in the final battle? Seems to me like we could afford another item or two by selling some of the superfluous stuff. And while I'm on the topic of availaible characters and gold, any progress on recruiting a high-lvl cleric for resurrections? These might have been adressed in the main thread but the forums are currently inaccessible to us lesser, accountless folk.
In Topic: Syvishtar's Journal
09 October 2012 - 12:41 AM
-5 Edwin
In Topic: Syvishtar's Journal
06 October 2012 - 04:58 AM
Wow... that robe, just... that robe... This is probably the first time I'm inclined to admit that the game's balance is broken in our favour. Now I just wonder what the other side of the modding community (the other bent on killing us) is about to show and whether or not it will be enough to hinder this party in any way.
On another topic: In'm kinda disappointed on ho you handled the Drow armour. Would storing it in the extradimensional armoury and later selling it to a merchant make the game stutter, or did you think it would be exploiting game mechanics?
Finallly: Wow, even in this party and this equipment Shart-Eel doesn't seem to be able to stick around for long. It took her what, two updates to get herself killed?
On another topic: In'm kinda disappointed on ho you handled the Drow armour. Would storing it in the extradimensional armoury and later selling it to a merchant make the game stutter, or did you think it would be exploiting game mechanics?
Finallly: Wow, even in this party and this equipment Shart-Eel doesn't seem to be able to stick around for long. It took her what, two updates to get herself killed?
In Topic: Syvishtar's Journal
28 September 2012 - 01:14 PM
D. Expert. The only way to make this guy even remotely useful. Losing backstabs shouldn't be a problem given your playstyle, and his stats are just too mediocre for him to make a difference with any other kit. Besides, this will be a nice change of pace from sending the meatshield to activate al the traps, and should let you save on healing spells, thus prolonging your adventuring day. Not to mention let you use less potions during combat. And our two high-constitutioned (I'm not sure this is even a word, english is stil a bit less than intuitive at times) members will sure be thankful. After all, we wouldn't want our totally-not-overgeared-(that sword...)-paladin or our NOT-DRIZZ'T Chosen friend to get peppered by arrows, burned, electrocuted, turned to glop or insta-killed, now would we?
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