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Member Since 13 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2005 08:30 PM

Topics I've Started

Sigh- Crash

13 January 2005 - 11:28 PM

I seaarched for anyone else with this problem, didn't see anything on the first five pages. I thought everything was going to be just fine once I got past the silly music files problem I had. I started up anew game, and selected single player, Baldur's Gate. THe game seemed to begin, hit the loading screen with the Bhaal skull and silly hint/tips at the bottom, and when the loading barss flowed about halfway, the whole thing went to windowed mode and turned black and stuck.

I've played around here, trying to figure out what happened, but no clue. Anyone else know what this is?

Bout ready to kick my computer, please help

13 January 2005 - 09:42 AM

I'm going crazy cause I wasted ten hours trying to get this darn thing to work.

I followed every inch of the step by step install guide, and I checked and double checked the compatibliity list for nothing that was a C or P rating that people haven't commented on in the forum already. I even made sure to double check the few mod portions that I was NOT supposed to install, like the Valagar-Suna enhancement from UB. Everything looked like it was installing fine. Everything looked like it did go fine, and I was ready to try playing again.

When I tried to start up the game, I got the following message.

"An Assertion failed in ChSound.cpp at line number 4905"

Does anyone have a clue what it means and where I messed up? Ten hours of installation is too much work to go through trial and error. I can't think of where I messed up!

I just want to play the damn mod.