I ended up ditching the Cloe, Kelsey, Kiara-Z, Tashia and Nehtaniel mods. Sigh. But at least now the game seems to be working. Oh well.. so much for more romance choices. :-(
I tried uninstalling Kiara-Z, Chloe, and Tashia, but still no luck. AURGH!
Someone in those threads above mentioned Imoen Romance is supposed to be safe, so do I need to uninstall that too?
I still have Kelsey on here, Nehtaniel, Hublepot, and Xan, but none of those added music to my knowledge.
In any case, since I thought I uninstalled all the mods with added music, why isn't working? Is there a better way to fix this problem? Heck is there a way to keep all the mods in without having the music list choke up?