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Member Since 19 Apr 2012
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In Topic: Favorite Baldur's Gate Antagonist

19 April 2012 - 05:55 PM

Huh...surprised by these results. Maybe it's just the English major in me and my love for this stuff, but Jon is such a more fleshed out villain. Sarevok was cool, and I suppose that is a reason to vote for him, but some of the other arguments for him...a more personal villain? I don't know....yeah he killed your father figure, but the dude appears in about 3 scenes in the whole game. Half of his dialogue is even directed at you at all...most of the time he is just sending people to kill you. The brief thing with tamoko and his journal entries add something, but really, what do you need to know about Sarevok after you figure out he is your half brother bhaalspawn? He is a bhaalspawn and uhh.....yep....evil. Where is the personal part? What do we even know about him in the first game? He was an orphan...raised by the Iron Throne........went to the library.......

Jon kills Khalid ( not quite Gorion, but probably still painful) and chunks countless others. He tortures you and your friends. He kidnaps your sister. He steals you and your sisters soul.... AND he interacts with you throughout this (with that brilliant voice work) and seems like a constant threat hovering over you the whole game. You can piece together bits of his psyche early on, and then it is revealed at the end, where he actually talks to his once lover/queen. I would say that the build up with Jon's and Sarevok's plans are equally exciting (actually, Sarevoks might be a bit MORE exciting...but that's really more thanks to the plot than to just Sarevok himself...) They are both great, but in terms of how effective the villain is in relation to the plot....Irenicus really takes it for me.

(I think he would Go by Jon Irenicus or just Joneleth...Jon Irenicus is his identity seperate from joneleth, and he doesn't seem to like being called Joneleth regardless...)