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Member Since 09 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2012 02:38 PM

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In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

16 March 2012 - 04:07 PM

Even ToB sometimes felt like too much of the good thing. Now, a good storyteller would no doubt be able to spin something to add to the end. Only time will tell.

In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

15 March 2012 - 03:40 PM

In the source code of the baldursgate.com page:
<!-- March 15, 2012 -->
<!-- Shadowy Figure- Raise Dead : Infinity Engine -->

<!-- Chapter One. -->
<!-- There will be more chapters. -->
<!-- More chapters than you think. -->


He also states that they'd use less voice overs and have more dialogue, I'm not a fan of the new games where conversation is mostly just one liners.(must admit I haven't played many though.)

In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

15 March 2012 - 02:56 PM

Qutoes from Trent Osters twitter account:(Trent is the guy behind the BG:Enhanced project.)

Someone: Will you guys be using D&D 4th edition? Is BGEE going to include the content from BG1+TotSC+BG2+ToB?

Trent:is 2nd Edition D&D. Our first rule is don't break the fun. Part of the appeal of BG was the depth of the rules system


Somesone: do u know BG1NPC project ? http://www.gibberlin...g1npc/index.php will there same content in #bgee?

Trent: We've looked into a lot of the mods out there. We're trying to figure it all out. I troll gibberlings3 all the time


Someone: Big question. will BGE 1 have kits? I love playing a Swashbuckler starting at level 1.

Trent: We're using the latest code from BGII Thronw of Bhall as our base, so everything in BG II and ToB will be there + what we add


Someone: Very much disappointed by the #bgee announcement. I want BG3, not to buy the same games but prettier.

Trent: We want #BG3 as well. #bgee is a part of the master plan.


Someone: The current BG modding community is insanely devoted. Will we see this kind of community with #BGEE?

Trent: We're very interested in supporting the modding community and hopefully kicking off even more mods #bgee


Someone: What about past mods and compatibility? They are an important part of the reason this game lived so long... #bgee

Trent: We take mods seriously. (I led NWN after all) mods both current and future are important. More announcements to come


So, this guy really seems to love BG, which makes me just a bit optimistic, but overall I´m not expecting too much.
I´m not the type to go whining, "They'll ruin it by chaninging it", they can do whatever the hell they want to the game, if it's not a good change I simply won't buy it.

In Topic: Desperate beginner requires idiot-proof instructions for installing a

12 March 2012 - 09:38 AM

Hey man, I feel your pain.
I went through endless trouble installing.
In the end I decided to install manually, which took some time, but has the benefit of giving one a much clearer idea of where things go wrong.
There are many, many more mods out there but all too many of them are of limited quality. Some years ago I installed the game using the auto installer that downloads all the mods, but the game was very slow and would crash frequently, so I´m not fond of these mega installs.

Here is the order in which I installed:(Which is probably not the best order of installing, but it worked.)
I´m not sure where the BGII mega mods would come in the order, maybe at the end.

1. (Nothing here, I just can't be bothered to renumber all the list.)
2. BG2 Fixpack
3. Bheck the Bodies
4. BGTrilogy
5. Txt Music
6. DSotSC
7. NSotSC
8. NSotSC patch
9. TGC
10. Thalantyr items
12. BGI UB
13. Underrepresented Items
14. SCS I
15. SCS II
16. BGTTweak ( Should be right after BGT maybe?)
17. UBII
18. Fairy Dragon(This is only if you intend to have a Lwful good or Neutral Good mage, can't remeber which.)
19. Worldmap
20. Widescreen

In Topic: Problems installing BGT

10 March 2012 - 12:04 PM

I have finished installing all mods manually, and it seems to be working fine.