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Member Since 07 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2018 06:35 AM

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In Topic: [MOD] Sandrah Saga For EET

26 April 2018 - 03:47 AM

Hi Roxanne,


First, Thank you for your dedication to BG modding, especially to EET.


I have a question about sandrah : In the readme you say that the story mode is incompatible. Is there a technical reason to that ? and is ther a possible workaround to this incompatibility ?


I ask that because I play games for the stories, like i read a good book, not for the challenge.

I'd like to play a full (with as many mods as possible) EET install, but i don't want to get stuck with a unbeatable (for me) combat.

Please remind me of the details, this was written long time ago - if I remember correctly, story mode was a cheat that prevented the protagonist and party members to die, correct?

There is also a mod with some similar idea where the PC only dies when all party members are dead.


Actually those cheats are no problem for the Part1 of Sandrah Saga. You can even use the EET_Tweak component that does a similar thing (EET_Tweak uses a global to control the cheat and this global is just changed at ToB end, so the rules are adjusted to fit the reamaining parts - this is not the case for story mode.)


However if you decide the continue beyond ToB with the Part 2 and 3 you will get stuck because 1) in SandrahRTF, the plot is for you and Sandrah and both of you need to stay alive to succeed and 2) in SandrahToT the challenge is to keep those four party members alive you need for success, i.e. Cyric, Kelemvor, Midnight and Adon..

Story mode or some undying mod change the rules in a way that disables the challenge but it also leads to situations that are not covered, e.g. if someone dies but the game continues, you may be stuck in a plot that has no more solution. The remaining party will be alive with nothing more to do.

As i recall, the story mode prevent all your party to die, so it'll be safe to use in this case ?

In Topic: [MOD] Sandrah Saga For EET

25 April 2018 - 08:08 AM

Hi Roxanne,


First, Thank you for your dedication to BG modding, especially to EET.


I have a question about sandrah : In the readme you say that the story mode is incompatible. Is there a technical reason to that ? and is ther a possible workaround to this incompatibility ?


I ask that because I play games for the stories, like i read a good book, not for the challenge.

I'd like to play a full (with as many mods as possible) EET install, but i don't want to get stuck with a unbeatable (for me) combat.