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Member Since 24 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2012 09:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Thac0 and Saving Throw Question

08 March 2012 - 09:14 PM

Hi I have a couple questions. First off is there any way to see enemies stats like AC,THAC0,Hp? Second, is a spell allows a "neg" saving throw does it allow that only or can a "1/2" saving be applied as well or is just what it allows only? I don't if that makes any sense, but anyways I'm a noob to this stuff and Im kinda confused. Appreciate any help, Thanks!

Easy TuTu Help

24 February 2012 - 10:04 PM

Hi I've never played Baldur's Gate before but decided to give it a try after reading about it online. Anyways I read that BG1 could be played using BG2 engine. I downloaded the EasyTuTu and extracted to temp files or whatever after I fully installed both BG games + totsc and ToB. Now when I go in the temp folder I see a bunch of files and a thing called TuTu Core. When I click on the TuTu Core it immediately starts extracting all of these files in the same temp folder with names like override,characters,and data...but no BG TuTu shortcut is created. So I'm wondering am I doing something wrong or am I not just seeing something that's already there? How do I know if it worked? Please help all of this is so confusing. Thanks in advance.