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Member Since 03 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2010 08:01 PM

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BWP9.3 Install: ReplaceWeiDU.bat error?

30 August 2010 - 10:21 PM

I'm very sorry if this issue has been mentioned before, I tried searching through the most recent threads and it's seem like nobody has mentioned this:

While starting the BWP9.3 Tactical install, right before the component installation, ReplaceWeiDU.bat is called (to update the setup executables I'm guessing).

I get this error message repeated for essentially every setup file:

Replacing "%%s" because it's size [!errorlevel!] is not equal [!size!]
  1 file(s) copied.
Replacing "%%s" because it's size [!errorlevel!] is not equal [!size!]
  1 file(s) copied.
Replacing "%%s" because it's size [!errorlevel!] is not equal [!size!]
  1 file(s) copied.

Is this supposed to happen? Any adverse effects to the install?

Missing download links for BWP9.3

20 August 2010 - 11:09 PM

Greetings everyone,

I am trying to do a full tactical install of BWP 9.3, but 3 mods consistently cannot be downloaded by the installer:

Solestia v1.2 (absolestia.zip)
Volcanic Armory v1.0 (VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar)
Au Service D'Oghma v1.6 (ThOghma_v1.6.zip)

If anyone could provide working links for these mods, I would be greatly appreciative.


Maximum number of kits to install before Refinements?

19 August 2010 - 03:26 AM

Hi, I was having a discussion with Jarno about installing Kits for my BWP install, and he warned me that:

you can install from 220 or so kits places... did we tell that you can only have a total of 255 kits in the Kit.IDS, after which, the characters are assigned the last one, and in some cases corrupted totally, and the Refinements HLA component actually doubles the number of kits in the Kit.IDS file...

My question is: If we install Refinements, does this effectively limit the number of custom kits we can install to ~90 (accounting for the default BG2 kits that also get duplicated)?

This is looking bad for me, since I'm planning on installing TDD Kits which already add 76 individual kits. Is there any way I can increase the number of kits I can install?


Clarification on Level1NPCs compatibility

18 August 2010 - 09:40 PM

I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but I can't seem to find an clear answer for this (the search is broken atm)

I'm doing a tactical BWP install and there is a warning in the BWP guide for Level 1 NPCs:

If you have installed the Revised High Level Abilities component of Refinements, you may not as-
sign multi-class abilities to any character.

What exactly are the multi-class abilities that can't be assigned?

There is also a warning in Level 1 NPCs readme:

If you have installed the Revised High Level Abilities component of Refinements, a kitted multiclass will crash the game upon whichever level-up would allow selection of an HLA. This is not a bug in Level 1 NPCs - do not tempt fate by kitting any multiclasses with Refinements installed and consider deferring that gnome Cleric/(obligatorily)Illusionist protagonist until another playthrough.

Reading some of the posts, I understand that illegal multi-class kit combinations shouldn't be supported by refinements, but how about the legal gnome cleric/illusionist?