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Member Since 03 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2009 09:44 PM

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In Topic: BG1 Unfinished Business?

19 July 2006 - 11:52 AM

Thanks for this reply. Though you may have put a serious dent in my motivation! :)

In Topic: BG1 Unfinished Business?

19 July 2006 - 10:18 AM

edit: the ol double post :)

In Topic: BG1 Unfinished Business?

19 July 2006 - 10:17 AM

I think this discussion is closer to developing a new version of notepad :)

And how else is a person supposed to learn?

In Topic: BG1 Unfinished Business?

19 July 2006 - 09:47 AM

Well the general answer is as simple as 'it's currently a mod for the BG1 engine, not the BG2 engine'.  That's all there is to it really.

You keep replying to my question of "why is the sky blue and not red?" with "Because it's blue".  I KNOW it's a bg1 mod.  christ.  I just want to know what files I have to change to make it BGT or Tutu compatible.  And you keep saying engine mod.  It's not an engine mod. BGT is what I would consider an engine mod.  This fixes minor scripts and dialogs.  Far cry from engine.  

Once it's been converted to work with Tutu (which is the BG2 engine), it'll be easy enough to convert it to work with BGT (which obviously is also the BG2 engine).  You could go straight to trying to convert it to work with BGT, but you might as well let as much of the work as possible be done by the people who made the mod, to make bug fixing a lot easier.

See, right there.  Convert to tutu and BGT.  Exactly my question at the beginning.  It's like pulling teeth :-p

I guess I'll have to just learn how on my own without any help.  I'll read the forum pro5 suggests, I was just hoping that someone already had a solution from their own tinkering.

In Topic: BG1 Unfinished Business?

19 July 2006 - 08:23 AM

We can say whatever we want but there is no way for him to understand

So far, nobody has explained anything, merely stated things I was aware of before starting the thread.  But if you'd like to give me actual information, that'd be great.  :D

Salk is getting it :)