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Member Since 03 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active May 29 2005 12:31 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BGT-WeiDU

17 February 2005 - 06:12 PM

If I have a save game from a BP-BGT-NEJ install, will there be any problems it in an all weidu install?

In Topic: Hrothgar dialog bug in NeJ?

01 February 2005 - 04:51 PM

The first, second, and fourth lines in my picture are from Tarnes.dlg. The third and last two are from charmc.dlg. By from, I mean it's present word for word in those files too. Can anyone explain to me how this could have happened? Would it work if someone upload a "correct" version of DHROTH.dlg and I just plop it in my override folder?

Update: If I uninstall the S & H patch, the DHROTH.dlg returns to a "sane" version. Bug in s&h patch?

In Topic: Hrothgar dialog bug in NeJ?

30 January 2005 - 02:44 PM

I received the exact some issue when I was trying out SBT with a BG1 saved game. Then I used a fresh install to see if my mods where affecting it in anyway. I started a new BG2 game and went straight to NeJ. That's where the pic above came from.

Well, if there isn't a fix, does anyone know what Hrothgar was supposed to say?

In Topic: BP_s_and_h_Patch v5 released

29 January 2005 - 10:03 PM

Regarding the Stats.ids, I was looking around and found out that installing the Kelsey NPC installs the exact same stats.ids as the old v5 patch. The Kelsey NPC is listed as compatible so I am wondering how would stats.ids affect my game?