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Member Since 17 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active May 01 2012 08:05 PM

Topics I've Started

Who owns tis2bg2?

09 March 2012 - 04:18 PM

I'm trying to get it compiling on an Intel Mac and so far it's being a pain in the rear end. Where and to whom would I direct questions regarding tis2bg2?

BiG World Project: Mac/Linux versions?

26 February 2012 - 03:37 PM

First of all, I'm just plain awed at the amount of work that went into BWP, so thank you very much to Leonardo and everyone else who helped out.

I just tried to work with it a bit on my Mac.

Here's my situation:
  • I've got BG1 and BG2 installed inside a Wineskin app (Wineskin is a Wine bottler for Mac).
  • Next, I open up a command line shell within the Wineskin app
  • I try to run the BiG World Project batch files and...
  • They fail...
I think the problem might be with Wine, actually. I'm not sure it properly parses batch file language. In particular, it doesn't seem to resolve empty parameters such as %1 if no value was actually passed to %1. Instead, it will resolve an empty %1 as the string "%1". Lame.

So here's my question: are there Mac/Linux shell scripts of the BiG World Project batch files? If not, I might spend some time next weekend trying to replicate them...

WeiDU bug - how do I submit a fix request?

25 February 2012 - 12:06 PM

Turambar and I have identified a bug in the WeiDU code. Check out my summary of the problem here:

The WeiDU code makes the fairly reasonable assumption that if it's running on a Mac it's dealing with a Mac version of BG2. This only really matters when saving new BIFF entries to CHITIN.KEY where the Mac version stores them as BIFDATA:newbiff.bif but the PC version stores them as BIFDATA\newbiff.bif. In other words, the Mac version of BG2 uses ':' and the PC version uses '\'.

However, in the age of Wine, WeiDU can't make the assumption. A lot of Mac users are going to install the PC version from GOG or from their old PC discs. Instead, WeiDU has to determine which version of BG2 it's working with and use the correct string based off of that.

So then... who do I contact to submit a fix request? ^_^

mlox-alike: helpful or low roi?

18 February 2012 - 06:48 AM

Morrowind has a tool for making sure that all of your mods are loaded in the correct order. It's called mlox (although you pretty much have to use it in conjunction with another tool, Wrye Mash). mlox will also warn you if you have two mods colliding with each other and causing incompatibility issues. For total n00bs (like me and most people) it's a super helpful tool for avoiding problems.

Would such a tool be helpful for Weidu mods? Or are there relatively few incompatibility issues?

Even if such a tool would be helpful, is it realistic? I actually know next to nothing about IE modding and Weidu. But the little I do know suggests a possible avenue of attack for such a tool. For instance:
  • Tool analyzes a group of .tp2 files to determine if there are any files that more than one mod changes/overrides
  • Assuming that multiple non-conflicting changes can take place to a single file (big assumption on my part, I don't actually know), the tool then analyzes the changes and looks for any conflicts.
  • If a conflict is found, the tool tries to determine which one is the "preferable" change so that it can order the mod installation appropriately
  • If there is no "preferable" choice between two conflicting changes, the tool alerts the user that the two mods are incompatible and asks them to choose only one.
  • Once mod order is established, tool spawns off setup-modname executables in serial until the entire list has been installed.
I'm not 100% sure I really have time to research and create such a tool, but if there's sufficient need I'd probably start dabbling at the very least.