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Member Since 01 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2010 09:18 AM

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In Topic: The actual Children of Bhaal...

01 July 2005 - 11:52 AM

From the Villain's Lorebook:

In its true form, Kazgaroth resembles a huge tyrannosaur
with forelimbs that, while still short, match
the rest of its body and allow the Beast to run on all
fours if it wishes. When traveling in this manner,
consider Kazgarothís movement rate to be 18.
The Beast possesses a broad, powerful, scaly body
and tail with a maw that drips mildly acidic saliva
(the acid is taken into account in the biteís damage).
Its massive hindlegs end in heavy, clawed feet. In
this form (and in other forms if the Beast loses selfcontrol),
Kazgarothís beady eyes glow a fierce red.

There's some more text and a pic, so if you're interested, get it here