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Member Since 21 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2012 01:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Possible bug, game stops responding on exit. [Fixed]

06 July 2012 - 01:49 AM


I recently installed Tutu and followed the install order recommended at Gibberlings3 to setup my mods. But after I was done, I noticed an error in Tobex which claimed it couldn't find some .2da files. I unistalled both my SoA and BG1 installs, reinstalled and I checked every mod after installing to make sure they weren't the problem.

I noticed that after atweaks is installed, the game won't quit properly. I always get an error message that the program stopped working and windows is checking for a solution when I exit. Since none of the other mods cause this problem, I thought I should report it here.

My weidu log:

This log is after I uninstalled atweaks, but it shows the order and components I installed. I haven't actually played the game yet, I  just start and create a throwaway character to make sure the game's working. I am not sure if this is a major problem or just my install, but since only atweaks seems to be causing the issue after unistalling and re-installing it a few times, I figured I would report it.