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Member Since 21 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2012 01:47 AM

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In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

04 August 2012 - 01:44 AM

Why not post your ideas on the BGEE Forum? Giving the developers good input is the best way of ensuring you get what you want.

I want Gorion's death cut-scene altered along these lines:

The changes I want are along these lines. Tightening the story telling, improving dialogue so Jaheira and Khaleid's joining banter doesn't amount to "Oops! Your dad died, huh? Sorry about that kiddo. Hey! We are going to clear out some mines, wanna be our meatshield?". Stuff like that.

But that's not possible because:

"1. Altering the dialog of the old joinable characters

-We can't do this

2. Altering the dialog of encounterable npc's in the campaign, including minor ones

-small scale text only changes are possible.

I am not exactly whining that BG : EE isn't made to please me. Merely commenting that it isn't an enhanced edition (which should actually enhance the gameplay experience of the original) but is more like an expansion pack. I already dread the mega mod marathons I do of this game and don't really care for more fluff. :P

Having said that, I am not bashing the work they are doing. If people enjoy this, great! As I said, I might buy this myself. Eventually... :ermm:

In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

03 August 2012 - 05:04 AM

At the same time, The Witcher 2 : EE did nothing to change the story and core gameplay, but added some content to the final act and a new intro movie.

I guess I am just spoiled by Thief: Gold edition. That game really fleshed the original out and was well worth buying what's essentially an add-on pack for a game I already played a few times. So when people say they are enhancing a game, I hope they are improving what's an established world and giving it more life, closing plot-holes and taking the immersion up a notch. The enhanced version should feel just like the original, only better. Instead this sounds like an expansion pack like ToTSC with a graphics upgrade that I am not really sure is an upgrade :P

Having said that, I might find myself buying this thing, just the same. It's just that based on what's been show so far, a couple of games on GoG.com are currently on the list ahead of BG:EE for me. To each his own, I guess :)

In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

02 August 2012 - 03:22 AM

Underwhelmed by BG:EE so far. When they called it Enhanced Edition, I hoped they would improve the story a bit. (Any Paladin should immediately fall after the Gorion death cut-scene, because he ran away without assisting his own father in great peril!) I hoped they would fix stuff like that and make it less blatantly and illogically rail-roadish. (Oh, my dad died. Let me faff about in these yonder mines not even in the same country I grew up all my life in, as surely this will lead to his killer) The Nashkel chapter starting cut-scene even has the narrator saying you have no bloody clue how this relates to your current predicament but Gorion would totally want you to do this.

Instead, they just did stuff that the modding community has been working on for a decade now. Romances? Jaheira romance made me want to punch my monitor and it is un-installable, unlike badly written fan mods. And the graphics update hurts my eyes. Aparently the contract for working on EE prohibits them from changing anything story or dialogue wise. So what's the point?

In Topic: Syvishtar's Journal

29 July 2012 - 08:35 PM

Forgot to ask, does your new pocket plane drain your XP like the one you got from Gorion's corpse?

(Ok, that sounded highly inappropriate. :()

In Topic: The archive of resolved bug reports

29 July 2012 - 05:25 PM

Ah... thank you for clearing that up and advising me on the correct mod install order. I don't mind if I don't get that power. Just wanted to report in case it's a bug. Glad that it's not. Thank you for the prompt reply and a great mod. :)