Doug Piranha
Member Since 10 Jan 2012Offline Last Active Jan 12 2012 07:03 PM
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- Age 43 years old
- Birthday May 5, 1981
Titovo Uzice, Serbia
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In Topic: Arcane Archer
11 January 2012 - 09:04 AM
Well, I was aiming for the balance, so I wouldn't call it vastly better. Here is how I rationalized it: Assuming basic fighter and ranger classes are balanced, the difference is in to hit and dmg bonuses, and AA arrows vs. called shot. My kit has slightly worse bonuses to hit and dmg throughout the game (at SoA XP cap it's +4 vs. +5, at ToB cap it's +10 vs. +11). The called shot at it's max power gives around +10 dmg per use (4 uses in SoA, 8 in ToB). AA arrows give one 6d6 fireball, one sure shot, one slowing, 4 extra attacks (actually 3 with bow it seems) and one save or die shot. Considering there are arrows of detonation already, and that flail of ages is much better at slowing, that silver sword is better at instant killing and items that give improved haste are better at adding attacks, I don't consider it much better, if at all. But criticism is welcome, and I would like to hear what would you change to make the kit more balanced.
In Topic: Liriel Baenre
11 January 2012 - 08:26 AM
I would make her elven fighter/mage, subtract 3 from her intelligence (to account for 3rd edition attribute gains), give her a magic resistance (rules say it's 50% + 2% per level, up to 80%, but Viconia has a fixed resistance, so you can copy that) and change her to drow colors. Also, drow get +2 saves vs. spells, so you can add that, and some spell like abilities (but they lose these when living on surface). While in bright light (as in outdoor zones during daytime) they lose 2 dex, and have -2 penalty to attack and saves vs. their spells.
In Topic: Arcane Archer
11 January 2012 - 02:38 AM
Thanks! Any feedback is welcome, especially advice and error reports, since this is my first mod. I'm working on a much more ambitious mod, a NPC named Mavis, priestess of Leira, but I thought a little mod like this is a nice way to break the ice.
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