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Member Since 29 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2012 01:39 PM

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I made a silly assumption, now I need help!

30 December 2011 - 08:49 AM

Hi. My first post here so first I want to thank all you mod makers who have kept Baldurs Gate fresh after all these years. I can only imagine the hours you folks spend bring all this awesome to the world for free. I've used these forums as a reference for a while, but I never had a reason to post her before.

Short version: I want NEED to transfer all my items from BG1 to BG2.

Long version: Anyhoo, so I'm playing with the Baldurs Gate Trilogy mod, plus a bunch of other mods. I did the Big World installation and just went for all the recommended stuff. I had previously just finished a complete play-through of BG1, when I came across BGT mod. The main attraction was the smooth transition from BG1 to BG2. Yay! So I did another complete playthrough of BG1 with this mod in order to be properly ready for BG2. I never got into BG2 back when it was released and I've now played over 120 hours of BG1 in anticipation of sinking my teeth into the main course that is BG2. Now I totally enjoyed my time with BG1, but I was thinking the whole time about starting BG2. With a mountain of cash. And dozens of named items. Hundreds of meticulously collected potions, ammunition and a massive collection of jewels and precious stones.

So I just discovered that a smooth transition from BG1 to BG2 does not include keeping all your items. Wait, what??!? I know, it was my assumption. I'm sure it would totally break the balance of the game, but surely its an option? Surely? I just feel like all that effort of my latest playthrough has been a total and complete waste of time. I worked hard to get all that cool stuff, I'm not just giving it all up. Can anyone help me? I was in total denial at first. When Imoen said 'I'm sure they sold our best stuff' I was like 'lol yeah sure, the Flaming Fist let us keep all our stuff when we where arrested for murder.' I kept expecting to find my loot locked up in a chest somewhere in Icurnus's base.

Ive tried the pausing at the start of BG2 thing and that doesn't seem to work.

So can anyone help? I know a lot of you will say 'Whatever dude, you'll soon have a bunch more cool items. Don't worry about it.' or 'Dude, it will make the start of BG2 waaaay to easy' and I totally understand that, but it's not good enough for me because:
1. I don't care if it breaks the challenge. I enjoy a tough battle in BG, I'm a gamer who with any other game automatically selects the hardest difficulty setting without a thought, but I mainly play RPGs for the story and I don't have a problem leaning back in my seat with a beer watching the AI chew up the bad-guys on autopilot.
2. It kills the continuity for me. I just spent a few dozen hours meticulously collecting a hoard of wealth, and fully expected to continue that for the next couple of hundred hours.
3. I carefully collected and sold every single piece of loot that was dropped. Thats a lot of time spend picking up shortswords. There is no way in hell I did that for nothing.

I usually have no problem keeping a sense of perspective with games, but this time I literally feel like I've been punched in the stomach. When you spend over an hour of concentrated effort trying to win a round of Empires Mod and one noob on your team screws up and costs you the game, I can shrug my shoulders when others are raging. A complete playthrough of BG constitutes a lot more effort, and I'm really desperate for a solution to this. I've seen people rage-quit MMOs when they lost one days progress. This has taken me months!

Anyway, I know it's my fault I didn't check the details before I started, but if anyone here can help me tweak the game to my preference I'd really, really appreciate it.