i am going to try to make my first NPC soon and i thought up a caracter not all that diffrent from yours just she is a vampire who has been blessed by helm and has become a padalin undead hunter whop fights other vampires i am even tryin to write a story about her.
I've been seeing all kinds of bizzare NPC ideas lately, so Ijust had to post this..
I think it would be great if someone made a new joinable PC, and I have a GREAT idea.
The NPC's father would be a vampiric-lycanthropic-illithid-dracolich
and it's mother would be drow.
she'll be a lawfull good paladin subclass that can only wear skimpy leather outfits that still have abnormally high AC even though their body is only about 5% covered. Her class will be Dominatrix of submission.
She'll have all of her own spells. she's get D/S spells upto level 10, B&D spells from level 11-20, and S&M spells from level 21-30, and BDSM spells from levels 31-50.
she's have a new weapon class called S&M gear, and will only be able to use weapons from this class. (floggers, cat-o-9-tails, whips, chains etc)
a new mage counterspell will be created called "safety word" which will negate all of her abilities until the next scene starts.
i am going to try to make my first NPC soon and i thought up a caracter not all that diffrent from yours just she is a vampire who has been blessed by helm and has become a padalin undead hunter whop fights other vampires i am even tryin to write a story about her.