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Member Since 01 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2012 04:17 AM

Topics I've Started

A few custom portraits for Baldurs Gate

20 May 2012 - 03:42 AM

Leave some comments on these portraits, also what other portraits youd like to see.

All images are made by Michael Leonard aka Mikernaut except the hobgoblin which is made by Joe Wilson.

Original Baldur's Gate 2 Portraits

20 May 2012 - 03:10 AM

Hi, ive been looking for some of the original pictures which the portraits in BG 2 where based on, ive found Viconia's, but im still searching for Keldorn, Aerie's & Jaheira's. Anyone here got any idea on this?

Aribeth Portrait.

13 January 2012 - 04:55 AM

Hey all, i really liked the Aribeth Blackguard portrait but ive always felt that it was "incomplete" with half her upper head/Hair removed for the portrait to size it down.

I was wondering if theres anyone here whos up for the challenge to make the portrait bigger and fill in the missing hair/Head and upper section?

Thanks /Sakul

Questions about Infinity Engine Game (Forgotten realms)

04 December 2011 - 04:49 AM

Is it possible to create a completly new standalone game (based on/as big as icewind Dale 2, also same quality) with new story, quests, and new area's (No re-used area's),NPCs & Items, with the tools presented here on this website?

How much time and how many persons should be involved in a project like this, if we are to say that the product should be an A-Title?