Please, dont use subtle insults and unnecessary posts like the one above.
Give some constructive feedback and suggestions on what other classes etc from the forgotten realms youd like to see.
Member Since 01 Dec 2011Offline Last Active Jun 04 2012 04:17 AM
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In Topic: A few custom portraits for Baldurs Gate
21 May 2012 - 12:03 PM
In Topic: A few custom portraits for Baldurs Gate
21 May 2012 - 10:34 AM
Ok, might have another hobgoblin coming up soon.
I hope i get abit more feedback from other members here on the forum, the reception to this has been quite cold yet.
I hope i get abit more feedback from other members here on the forum, the reception to this has been quite cold yet.
In Topic: A few custom portraits for Baldurs Gate
21 May 2012 - 09:20 AM
Hi, thanks alot for the Reply Azazello.
Yes theyre very realistic, its really hard to find an artist whos able to copy the art that was made for Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. The one who created these are a very good artist, he worked on some of the neverwinter portraits aswell in the original game.
As for the Evil-Elf one its actually more a evil-half-elf since she doesnt have those elven eyes thats in BG 2 Portraits.
Any suggestions on portraits that you might want to see?
Yes theyre very realistic, its really hard to find an artist whos able to copy the art that was made for Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. The one who created these are a very good artist, he worked on some of the neverwinter portraits aswell in the original game.
As for the Evil-Elf one its actually more a evil-half-elf since she doesnt have those elven eyes thats in BG 2 Portraits.
Any suggestions on portraits that you might want to see?
In Topic: Questions about Infinity Engine Game (Forgotten realms)
22 December 2011 - 06:02 PM
Heya, thanks for the reply and explanation Jarno.
Hmm okey, have you asked bioware about releasing the code? its a very old game and if they release the NWN 2 Source code they maybe can release the code for these games aswell, since theyre older?
Also i tryed out daggerdale and found it quite okey, even with all the bugs, is this something SHS will consider in the future to add a section for? I dont know how the unreal engine works with maps etc, but i watched The outdoor Area at 0.56 where it says "Cancelled Project" was quite amazing, unfourtenetly its probably pictures from the second part of the game thats listed as Cancelled.
Hmm okey, have you asked bioware about releasing the code? its a very old game and if they release the NWN 2 Source code they maybe can release the code for these games aswell, since theyre older?
Also i tryed out daggerdale and found it quite okey, even with all the bugs, is this something SHS will consider in the future to add a section for? I dont know how the unreal engine works with maps etc, but i watched The outdoor Area at 0.56 where it says "Cancelled Project" was quite amazing, unfourtenetly its probably pictures from the second part of the game thats listed as Cancelled.
In Topic: Questions about Infinity Engine Game (Forgotten realms)
22 December 2011 - 02:51 PM
i dont really know what a source code is, i read on the NWN2 Community site on bioware about one of their forum moderators was going to suggest that they would release it for that game, but would it help much or just a little to make new modifications if the community had it?
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