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Member Since 18 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2005 05:50 PM

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In Topic: Tashia Banter Music

09 December 2004 - 04:19 PM

One more thing: the voiceovers. They are mixed up:
One of the flirts (look at Tashia) results in "What, I got something on my face, is my hair okay, What are you looking at?" dialog, but instead of being voiced over as (tashiax) it is done by (tashiay) (I'm all scrubbed and ready to work, sir), and the opposite:
When clicked on, one of the ("rare") dialogs should be voiced by (tashiay), but is instead voiced as (tashiax).

Furthermore, (tashiaf (selection "what is it?"); tashiaq (it's a beautiful day outside); tashiaz (critical hit)) are all recorded with reverb characteristic of an empty room. If it's supposed to be a beautiful day outside then the reverb should not be there. The other two should be simply left alone. In addition, most people these days have EAX enabled sound cards. Myself included. That means the sfx should really not have any effect to them at all, and should be recorded and edited as clean as possible.

In Topic: Alignment Query

05 December 2004 - 11:10 PM

Thanks for clarifying, then.

In Topic: Alignment Query

04 December 2004 - 11:33 PM

fallen - if someone kills because they can, and it strikes them as something natural and/or entertaining, should be considered chaotic neutral or chaotic evil.

In Topic: Changing a BGII race's selectable classes

04 December 2004 - 12:12 PM

What's the problem with halflings being fighters? Let's say they are more agile, but weaker than humans. They will deliver less damage, but will deliver it more often and more accurate. That makes them good enough in my book.

I can't remember the formula for calculating how much a character can carry, but I find it dubious that any average person (including humans) could have a strength of 18. That's where RPGs come into the play - it's not about average Joes, it's about the extraordinary that have the spark to shape the world. How many people are able to carry 400 lbs in their backpack??? Not too many, I wager. Why are most RPG fighters able to do it, then? If it's possible with humans, why not with halflings? They would actually need less musculature to be that strong since they are more 'tightly packed.'

Besides, it's not D&D 1E, where a halfling was able to reach level 8M, or something like that, and was able to use daggers and short swords only, and must have been thieves, and so on. Yuck.

In Topic: Tashia Banter Music

04 December 2004 - 12:07 PM

Is anyone doing anything with the mod? I doubt it's more than to write some "CancelMusicPlayback," or somesuch, so maybe someone will give it a shot?