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Member Since 18 Nov 2004
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In Topic: TES4 Oblivion Fanart

10 November 2006 - 01:24 PM

NOTHING is important enough to let one's tea get cold!

I love your art :)

In Topic: Elves

09 November 2006 - 07:39 AM

In "Evermeet: Isle of Elves", for example, a moon elf noble High Mage marries a gold elf noble. They both keep their individual House names, and whenever a child is born silver, the child is accepted into the moon elf house, and vice versa.

However, some people reckon the 'breeds true' rule applies mostly to skin colour, so you could *probably* get away with having a different eye colour. Or, for example, having blonde hair so pale it's almost white on a mostly-gold elf.

So long as it's a fairly minor trait most people would probably not question it. But where possible decide whether the sun or moon elf parentage was dominant and stick with it.

(interesting side point - drow blood conquers all ;))

In Topic: Elves

09 November 2006 - 05:35 AM

When I say they breed true, I mean as in type - so if you have a sun elf and a moon elf having a child, that child will either look fully sun or fully moon.  That's not to say that a child might not still have the shape of her sun elf father's face even though she is the colouring of her moon elf mother. If that makes it any clearer.

In Topic: Elves

09 November 2006 - 04:54 AM

Elves breed true - so they cannot mix attributes from both parents.

In Topic: Your favorite flash and other online games!

29 October 2006 - 07:55 AM

I used to play Anarchy Online and World of Warcraft. My poison of the moment is this - yes, it's a MUD, try not to panic. ;)

Good lord I just TOTALLY necro-posted. That's what happens when you don't get enough caffine kids.

(But go play the damn game anyway, it's good and it's crying out for more roleplayers :P)