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Member Since 17 Oct 2002
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2004 03:52 AM

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In Topic: Tashia is not from Wisconsin

11 March 2004 - 02:25 AM

CRE files only have one gender field.

Then Near Infinity should be fixed.

Either that, or "gender" is no longer a synonym for a specific meaning of "sex".

In Topic: Tashia is not from Wisconsin

03 March 2004 - 06:30 AM

Anyone who removes Peani's immunity to Time Stop shall Face my Wrath ™. I spent a whole day on figuring out how to put it in. :-D

Seriously, though, as far as my ?0.02 go: make the uber-loot undroppable, nerf some of Peani's resistances if you must but don't touch the HP (it's supposed to be low) or the TS immunity (come on, it's not like he can shapeshift into a Mind Flayer or summon the Infernal Host while in there :-). Regular liches fall way too easily to cheese anyway. Tactics' smarter liches make mincemeat out of Peani, TS immunity or no. Don't read more into it than there is.

Tashia's resistances are just Mary Sue indulgence on Arian's part -- I asked him once, and basically she's got MR because she's a sorceress and cold resistance because she used to live somewhere cold. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether that's reasonable, but I can tell you now that lots of NPCs should get some bonuses based on that :-) That said, removing them will only make the worshippers at the Temple of Realism happy, and theirs is a cruel god.

Finally: Peanelian is a he. ("He has aided me more than once in most perilous times... Treat him well, please!") Don't fall into the "your name sounds female" trap. And don't look at the .CRE in any case (actually, I don't know what it says. :-)

In Topic: Transferring Triggers/Contingencies

20 February 2004 - 06:42 AM

I read and re-read it carefully, but the contingency trick is not in there. Only potion swap for various nefarious purposes is mentioned (including Contingency, of course).

Since I know I read it, it may be from a previous version of the cheese guide. Thanks for the info, anyway!

In Topic: biffing and overriding

20 June 2003 - 01:51 AM

--biff should be the command used to list the contents of a specific biff but I can't make it do a damned thing! (Possible bug?)

No, WeiDU is just picky about how you specify the biff. You *must* use the filenames from CHITIN.KEY (those from "weidu --list-biffs"): filenames not in CHITIN.KEY will not work. For example, "weidu --biff data\dialog.bif" will work from any directory, but "weidu --biff .\test.bif" will not work even if there is a test.bif in the local directory. It ought to give an error in this case, but it fails silently. WeiDU wasn't meant to be a generic BIFF tool.

CHITIN.KEY is a maintenance nightmare, and a poor solution to the problem of having BIFFs scattered across CDs. The designers dropped the ball a bit on this one.

In Topic: Undispellable berserking

18 June 2003 - 01:44 AM

Tried CTRL-R yet?