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Member Since 19 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2004 12:23 PM

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In Topic: Need help icewind 1 glitch

23 October 2004 - 01:31 PM

I'll try the portraits asap.

As for the previous save I only have a tempsave folder so i'll do like the portraits and create a new folder.

when i unzip the mods using winzip it just creates a new folder with the mod readme etc in a new folder so i coppied that folder into my iwd folder.

Are you saying I should copy it piece by peice or what?

When i try to run it/open it it gives me the following error

[C:/ Program Files/Black Isle/Icewind Dale/Setup-IWD-ease-1d1] 117

[SETUP-IWD-EASE-1D1] Not found. Make sure that you have unpacked the archive correctly and that you are not trying to run this file inside the archive.

Thanx for all the help btw.

In Topic: Need help icewind 1 glitch

22 October 2004 - 09:55 AM

I don't seem to have a portrait folder besides the bg mod. There's a character folder but that seems to be for saveng character kinds. ex. +FITCLER.CHR The ease of use mod is in my main iwd folder but there is no setup file. WTF. At this point I may just delete the mods and do without. not only that but when i copy my previous save to the save filein my main iwd folder it doesn't apear for me to load in game :bash: :bash: :bash:

In Topic: Need help icewind 1 glitch

22 October 2004 - 07:28 AM

thats the iwd trainer+14. oops. :bash:

In Topic: Need help icewind 1 glitch

22 October 2004 - 07:26 AM

Thanx Barren. I reinstalled iwd again and as much of a newb question as it is I need help with some zipped mods I got. Im new to modding so im not sure what to do now that I unzipped them. I need help regarding where to put them. One is the iwd1 ease of use of use pack, the second is thiwd trrainer =14, and the third is the bg1 & 2 character portraits. I got all 3 of these from sorcerers place.Thanx again.

In Topic: Need help icewind 1 glitch

19 October 2004 - 12:41 PM

Also I was wondering if there's a way to save my game file to a floppy disk, or if I should leave it on the hard drive. I don't think it matters but i'm playing in full mode with 1patch and i think i downloaded a mod off of sorcerers.net. Any help would be largely appreciated.