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Member Since 12 Oct 2004
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Topics I've Started

IESE author wants to know if anyone has a problem

22 May 2005 - 09:42 AM

I've been in contact with the author of the Infinity Engine Savegame Editor (IESE) for over six months now, trying to find out why IESE doesn't work with my BP-BGT-NEJ installation, including the Ease-of-Use and Item Upgrade mods.  I've been beta-testing changes he is making to it to get it to work, but so far it crashes any time I try to load the Item Browser.  It also crashes if either the Inventory or Stats page is checked under Options_Settings_Pages.  He really wants *everyone* to be able to use it if they want to do so.  

He can't reproduce the problem on his computer, but he hasn't installed all the mods yet.  He wanted to know if anyone else is having problems with it, so hopefully, with the combined input, he can narrow down the problem and make it work for everyone.

If anyone has any input, please respond here or to me at questaar@usa.net, or to the author directly at m.guill@tiscali.fr  He is French, but speaks English quite well, so you can contact him in either language.

Editing this to add the link for downloading the IESE program, in case you want it ...

Infinity Engine Savegame Editor download - version 17

Thanks so much!

Error installing BP_s_and_h_Patch version 3 patch

19 October 2004 - 10:31 AM

I just tried to install the version 3 BP-s_and_h_patch to my BP-BGT-NEJ game, but received the error messages below.  I know the .TP2 file is there, as I can see it in the Shadows of Amn directory along with the .EXE file.  I have tried re-extracting the files several times, but keep getting the same error messages.

Do I need to have installed the version 1 and/or 2 patch(es) prior to installing this one?  If not, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks so much for any help!

The error messages are as follows:

[E:\BG-Shadows of Amn\Setup-BP_s_and_h_Patch.exe] WeiDU version 163
Using Language [English]
ERROR: No translation provided for @1
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [Setup-BP_s_and_h_Patch.TP2]

ERROR: Not_found

Press ENTER to exit.

What is NI?

18 October 2004 - 10:39 AM

I keep seeing references to NI, and am assuming it is an editor. Searching the forums for it doesn't work, as it isn't four letters long. What is it? Is it an included part of BP-BGT-NEJ, or a download, or what? If it is a download, where can I find it?


Does L not bring up coordinates in bg-bgt-nej?

14 October 2004 - 04:12 PM

I'm sorry if someone has already addressed this.  I did searches for both coordinates and location, but didn't find an answer.   :huh:

Is pressing L or l not enable in the BG-BGT-NEJ all-in-one installation?    I can't get it to work.   :(

It took me a while (no great computer whiz here), but I think I've got the game running correctly, except for that.

Thanks for any help!