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Member Since 29 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2009 08:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Big World Project: an unauthorized mirror

07 December 2007 - 07:57 PM

grey legality of modding? you've got to be kidding me. If there's anything illegal about making mods then the industry is shooting itself in the feet (wouldn't be the first time, i know).

Any games developer who villanizes a modder who doesn't profit from their work deserves to have no-one buy their games. which probably what would happen, once the community got hold of it, come to think of it.

anyway, back on topic. I can't see what all this conflict achieves. the attitudes of many modders i have come across in the BG2 modding community i have never seen reflected anywhere else. this is the only community where I've heard an author say 'no, you do not have my permission to do x, play with x, even try to come a compromise on x. end of conversation.' where x is a suggestion for something constructive.

I understand the need to not have outdated links floating about, i understand a modder's sole right to his/her work and i understand why people would be annoyed here. What i don't understand is the rude manner in which many of you attack someone who isn't evil. for a start, the guys not even English first language. how do you even know if they have this 'ask the author before redistributing' etiquette in his country? He hasn't wilfully and intentionally gone out of his way to make trouble for you, it just seems that there has been a misunderstanding - not crime of the century.


In Topic: the BPv1-8-0 Wishlist

06 September 2007 - 02:55 PM

masked within the impolite, potentially offensive rant, is possibly a sensible point. :/

In Topic: Texts for translations

16 February 2007 - 10:59 AM

uhm, your guess is as good as mine - you could probably get away with replacing it with something a pirate would say.. 'yo-ho-ho and all that rubbish'

bootstrapping means using a special process to perform a task that one would be unable to do in general.

so i guess 'bootsrap me crony' is 'you were lucky to beat my crew'
ye gutter scum is simple 'you filth'

alternately it might have 'bootstrap me' as an expression of surprise like 'amazing!' or 'well, i'll be...' and then crony as a loose term for you similar to 'mate'