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Member Since 19 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Today, 10:48 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

21 July 2018 - 10:19 AM

database error when clicking 'view new content'


In Topic: SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

21 July 2018 - 09:44 AM

clicking 'view new content' throws a database error

In Topic: SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

21 July 2018 - 09:43 AM

clicking 'view new content' throws a database error

In Topic: SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

21 July 2018 - 09:43 AM

clicking 'view new content' throws a database error

In Topic: Quick buttons customizable via ToBEX v26?

16 June 2018 - 04:56 PM

personaly I run "BGconfig" and set thieving to 'w' key,ive not tried LockPicking but i imagine it is the same