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Member Since 16 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2013 06:18 PM

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In Topic: Item Pack v1.8

21 August 2013 - 09:12 PM

Thanks Daulmakan,


I've actually stumbled upon BWS and have been using that now for my item-mod-order-needs.




BWS really needs more publicity because I bet not many BG fans even know of its existence.


Anyway, I am thrilled to say it recognizes your most up-to-date downloadable version as of this typing: v1.8.


Can't wait to have fun with your mod and if I think I find any bugs I can go ahead a post in your bug thread?


I'm sure Item Pack 1.8 is fine-tuned enough by now that any bugs won't be actually noticed unless you dig into the code behind the scenes...which I've actually never done (e.g., I've never even CLUA-controlled anything in my life (bought BG2 in stores when it came out back in the day) and just recently used Shadowkeeper to see how that program functions).

In Topic: Older Versions of BP

21 August 2013 - 08:57 PM

Thank you Imp,


Worked like a charm. It recognized a more up-to-date version this way, although it was a lower one (v3000 I think); I wonder if there is a way for me to point it in the right direction myself...to get it to v4503 (the most up-to-date as of this writing).


On a side note, besides the v4503, two other mods have been updated, but BWP doesn't let me install or recognized it w/o uninstall its dependencies:


1. Weimer's Item Upgrade mod; BWP notices v39b, but not v40 at: http://weidu.org/Wei...Upgrade-v40.exe

2. 1PP (One Pixel Productions) v3 for many components instead of v4.1.0 (e.g, more colors to choose from for your character in Customize). I am unsure if this is due to compatibility problems or just an old link. At: http://www.shsforums...d/1006-1ppv410/


The link above in #2, I just noticed it is saying the file is corrupted on the website. It wasn't like this before--I hope everything is all right.


Anyway, thanks again--I was at least able to install BP now on BWS, thus allowing a lot of the megamod installation to work harmoniously. I wonder if there is a way to update the files myself to get it to recognize the updated version?


And I just want to say to horrid the plague that it is appreciated immensly and and all work you do for BWS by this fan.


P.S. Who created BWS (dabus, I think?)--I can't believe a human being could be so talented creating such a program in their spare time!? Moreover, who made that unbelievably delightful BWP readme (Latonius? [sp?])--what time and effort must have been put into that, jeezus....

In Topic: Older Versions of BP

18 August 2013 - 04:04 PM

Dear htp,


Still getting a "Sorry, we can't find that!" webpage when trying to download any of the BP v180C or before. All the v181's work though, but since the most recent BWS does not recognize BPv181 (even after telling it to use v181), the BWS program is forced to remove any dependancies of it; namely, Turnabout and some others....


I was wondering if they would be re-hosted on the mother-site (SHS) or was it loaded at one time this May?


Take care,


In Topic: Item Pack v1.8

13 August 2013 - 01:39 PM

Dear Daulmakan,


Would you know if Item Pack v1.8 works well with Weimer's Item Upgrade Mod (this mod gives a slew of new things for Cromwell/Cesp to make/upgrade)?


Does any particular order work best to keep content from your Item Pack and their Upgrade Pack intact?


Where do item packs generally fit in the "generally-good-order-of-things?"

Like thus:

 1. Non-Weidu mod (maximum of 1) first.
 2. NPCs
 3. Banter/flirt packs
 4. Quest stuff
 5. Tweak packs

(where do item packs usually fit it?)


You are a busy man, so I ask just in case it would get responded to, as I, like many others I can imagine, strive for large, interesting, and compatible mod lists that work together (near)flawlessly.


I want to thank you for your sweat and toil given to this mod (I haven't installed it yet, but I anxiously await doing so!); it is your dedication I respect. You are still here and making updates many years later to it. I just want to show my appreciation.


[clicking Download link now]

P.S. I hope the link above displays correctly, for I see not a Preview to click.