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Member Since 02 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2011 02:48 PM

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Flickering fog of war in P:S with widescreen mod

02 October 2011 - 09:01 AM


Title says all. When I scroll around in P:S, the fog of war flickers like a strobelight. This only happens if I have the widescreen mod installed. Without the mod, it works fine. (With the widescreen mod, the cursor also seems to be slightly laggy--perhaps 15fps.) EDIT: The lag spontaneously resolved. Flicker is still present.

I've installed the directdraw fix and it didn't change anything.

The only weakness with my system is that I'm using integrated graphics, but they are essentially equivalent to a high-end discrete card from 2002. Such a card should have no trouble rendering 1999 graphics.

(Win7 32bit, Core 2 Duo, 3gb DDR, x3100 integrated graphics)