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Member Since 02 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2011 02:48 PM

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In Topic: Flickering fog of war in P:S with widescreen mod

12 October 2011 - 11:47 AM

Yes, the best way to observe the effect is to lock the view on your character and then walk around.

What resolution / OS are you using? I'm wondering if it happens at all non-4:3 resolutions.

In Topic: Flickering fog of war in P:S with widescreen mod

09 October 2011 - 02:05 PM

Whoa, wait a tic. Any particular reason for using 2.31 instead of 3.05?

(Might I also clarify that I am still suffering immensely. Being unable to fully utilize the brilliant WSM is a tragedy that I would wish on no one. I was once a starving child sick with malaria; it was not as bad as having to use 4:3 resolutions. Someone plz help. [kidding, of course. but a fix would be nice.])

In Topic: Flickering fog of war in P:S with widescreen mod

04 October 2011 - 08:04 AM

thank you, sex machine!!

In Topic: Flickering fog of war in P:S with widescreen mod

02 October 2011 - 03:54 PM

Jarno Mikkola is a GENIUS!! The flickering does NOT occur at 800x600 or 1024x768. It DOES occur at 1280 x 600, which renders fewer total pixels than 1024 x 768, indicating that the effect isn't simply a "pixel overload." (As previously stated, it also occurs at 1280 x 800). Two possible explanations--one is that certain width values trigger flickering; other is that non-4:3 resolutions trigger flickering. If my monitor supported more resolutions, I would test them.

This is still ruining my life, btw. I will continue to post in this thread until I solve the problem completely or until Bigg himself calls me an "ungrateful brat." Must be those exact words.

Also, if Jarno wishes to replicate the flickering in BG2 (why would he want to, though), he should disable 3d acceleration.

EDIT: Jarno, what resolution were you using in ID2?

In Topic: Flickering fog of war in P:S with widescreen mod

02 October 2011 - 12:12 PM

Thank you for the reply! No, I have not tried other non-vanilla resolutions. I will do so and update this post.

You said you observed the flickering in ID2 (thank you for confirming that I'm not crazy :) ), but not in BG2. Do you have 3d acceleration enabled in BG2? If so, this would explain why you are not seeing the flickering, because the 3D acceleration renders the fog differently in BG2 (and is not available in P:T).